#body negativity
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letteredlettered · 5 months ago
whenever any fic describes anyone's muscles as "toned" or "defined" I quietly mouth to myself "and they eat a lot and drink plenty of water" and it's not even so I can imagine that the character is healthy and taking care of themselves. I'm literally just trying to convince my brain that they're hot. Like yes, toned and defined, but not too toned and defined; they look like TOS Kirk shirtless and not like a dehydrated husk of a person who desperately needs a sandwich
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meaninternetboy · 2 years ago
i have an account on tiktok where i follow tons of delusional fatt1es who are very anti diet , anti ed , anti weight loss and see how they struggle to breathe while just talking its so fucking funny like they will be like "going on a diet means... *heavy ass breathing* ..you're fatphobic.. *more heavy breathing* and if you lose weight.. you're fatphobic..!!" and by the end of it their face is red and their sweating because they cant function like a normal human being bc the fat in their body is LITERALLY crushing their lungs. also, i wanna start following tags like "fat pride" or "fat liberation" on here so i can see what these delulus are spitting on here LULZ
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bigvoidfun · 1 year ago
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wantonlywindswept · 8 months ago
sometimes i feel like my life would be so much easier if i developed an eating disorder
and like i know that's now how it works but always getting 'you need to lose weight' like okay. how. tell me how to do that. 'improve your diet and exercise more!' i have no appetite and my body hurts.
trying to find a swimsuit in my size and everything boasts 'shapewear' and 'tummy control' and 'coverups' like god forbid my horrible fat disturb you when i just want to swim laps
and i know it's also about health. i fucking. i know that. my health is not great. i need to do things about it. i have scoliosis and a shitty liver and a crap thyroid and depression and insomnia and all of that could be helped if i exercised! and lost weight!
but sometimes it's like would it help if i took a knife and carved some of that fat off. would that be easier. if i get to the weight you want me to is that all that matters would my body be acceptable then
i'm so. fucking tired.
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itstimeforstarwars · 8 months ago
One would think that one would eventually get over the distress and upset of getting a piece of clothing that says it's your size and looks amazing on the rack/the mannequin only to try it on and realize that your body makes it ugly, but one would be wrong.
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chillychive · 1 year ago
Guys. I’ve been feeling so crap about myself and my body and gaining weight… and then today I was looking through stuff abt anti-depressants and I had totally forgotten that Sertraline causes weight gain. I’ve been blaming myself this whole time. Turns out it was just my meds. It’s not my fault. I’m actually tearing up.
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indica-vixen · 2 years ago
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Ladies we all have to stop comparing our bodies and physical appearance to others,everyone’s unique for a reason, your beautiful flaws and all, don’t let social media, bullies, and society get to you, your perfect because you’re one of a kind!
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thatgirlstardust · 4 months ago
I hate my body badly, I wanna be invisible.
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skullys-stuff · 5 months ago
How do I make the voices stop?
The voices that say eat.
The voices that drag me by the hand, to my grave.
The voices tell me there is only one way to silence them.
The voices that blur my senses and numb my mind.
How do I silence the chatter?
How do I silence the whispers?
How do I silence the screams?
They wash over me and blur what I want with what they think I want.
They convince, they deceive. And when I've done their bidding, when I make them go away... I'm left to rot in guilt and disgust. Alone and powerless.
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undercooked-icicle · 2 months ago
Im so fat i cant feel when I sit on my phone.
This is a problem.
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gothra · 9 months ago
the “is it a fit, or is she just skinny?” question trend is fascinating to me. The entire premise is based on a pre-existing conversation that is 100% worth having, and each execution of the trend attempts to be worthy of that conversation. You see fat women take outfits worn by skinny, conventionally attractive, yet aesthetically mysterious and obscure women and wear them in an attempt to start a substantial and educated dialogue, but, actually, they inadvertently ask their audience, “Does putting certain clothes on a fat body devalue that outfit and change the perception of the aesthetic?” And the answer is a resounding, and cheerful “Yes!” from people who didn’t know the question was even being asked. The comments flood with people swearing that, due to this trend, they’ve found some sort of mental clarity about biases against fat people and all they’ve actually done is reaffirm the ones they’ve already had. It should worry each and every one of us who cares that people seem to find inconspicuous, avant-garde fashion choices ugly only after a fat person wears them, and aren’t paying attention the fact that their attitudes have changed significantly. Worse, they write off these changes in attitude as some sort of sign that the outfit was ugly all along, when what it often is, is them hating the body the clothes are on. These people didn’t notice how ugly the outfits were when a thin person was wearing them, but the fact that they suddenly notice how visually unappealing the outfit is on a fat person doesn’t mean that their eyes are open to the bias, or that a clear line between “ugly” fashion and “good” fashion has been drawn, because there is no clear line. What counts as “good” clothing is subjective (more or less) and therefore can’t be collectively rounded up into one category of acceptable articles, so it being a “fit” isn’t immutable. Your eyes have not been opened to the inherent ugliness of the look, you just don’t like that a fat person is wearing it, because if the outfit was ugly to you, it would have been ugly no matter who was wearing it. No matter which way you spin it, if the fit isn’t a fit when it’s on someone fat, it’s because of fatphobia. And that was the point of the trend in the first place! We were meant to examine the biases we have baked into us and normalized in our culture, instead, we have found a distraction to avoid even discussing it!
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puppygirldick · 2 years ago
For the dipshits who are too stupid to know by now and still say bigoted small dick "jokes" Google phallometer right now and shut the fuck up
Infants are literally coercively assigned a "sex" based on the length of their penis/clitoris as an INFANT
You don't make jokes about vagina being ugly because of your dumbass "what are you gay?" "That's misogynist" "more pussy for me" attitude but completely disregard that women also have penises, they sometimes have ambiguous genitalia and both are systematically marginalized for it
If you care about deconstructing biological essentialism you need to drop your failed male anti-effeminacy trope yesterday
It costs you nothing to not say this shit
It's so much more important to not perpetuate intersexism, if you're so dumb and lazy the best dunk you have on conservatives is "haha failed male trope" maybe save the dunking for someone with a fucking brain
Instablock for any of my mutuals if I see you fucking this up I will drag you
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whatdoyoumeanitsnotawesome · 7 months ago
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if you feel like you absolutely *have* to make a negative comment about an actor’s body or appearance,
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cianogenica · 5 months ago
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i dont hate fat people but i dont think they deserve rights
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sob-dylan · 1 year ago
maybe i’m making something outta nothing, but has anyone else noticed that in “body positive” clothing campaigns, the plus size models never have double chins? they’ve all got beautifully sculpted jawlines and high cheekbones… like, yes, they’re fat, but they’re fat everywhere except the face. it vexes me.
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